Negative Commands

Negative commands are negative beliefs that people have usually imposed to us like, "you'll never make it", "you're not good", "you're a fool", "you will never have money", "you are so fat", "you will never succeed", “you are hopeless”, “you are the black sheep of the family”, “you must work hard”, etc. And our brain stored them in our subconscious mind and now they are hidden as a sabotage to our present life, causing learning difficulties, psychological stress, forbidding us to advance in life and feeling stuck in it and even pathologies (maladies and illness).


This is a very important aspect in our lives since most of us have been through these negative commands "implanted" to us by our parents, relatives, friends, partners, employees, etc.

Despite we wish to be happy and even being good, things go wrong. We fail and cannot succeed in different areas of our life despite all of our efforts.


Sometimes we simply cannot take control of some aspect of our life regardless of how hard we try.


It could be useless to consciously repeat phrases of empowerment and have positive thoughts as our subconscious mind sabotages us without being aware of.

With Kinesiology we can get rid of this negative sabotage, find it and delete it. Thus making our life free, regardless of our age.

It is important to say that people will probably have more than one negative command. And some of them may not be deleted in one session as they may be in other "layers of the onion".



Jacobo Marroquín


Re-connecting your self

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